Sunday, November 6, 2016

Counting the Weeks

I'm no longer simply, Mandy Murphy.  I am pregnant Mandy Murphy.  

People ask me every single day
     "How are you feeling?" 
     "Do you have a name picked out?"
     "How far along are you?" "When is baby due?" "Girl or boy?" 
     "Nursery colors? Have you painted? Is the crib put together?"

And sometimes..
     "How long are you going to work for?"
     "Are you going to get an epidural?"
     "Have you taken pregnancy classes?"
     "Do you have a pediatrician?"
     "Are you going to breastfeed?"
     "How long are you going to take off work?"

I'm getting used to...
     random people smiling at me...all the time.
     not being able to bend over very easily. 
     having to take it slow.
     those abdominal muscles cramping from moving too fast.    
     not being able to see, well, things.
     it being difficult to get in and out of a car. 
     not being able to do everything I want to do.
     relying more and more on my wonderful husband.
     weight gain being a good thing, but only within reason.
     thinking about everything I do and how it will impact baby. 
     the changes within my body.
     worrying about if baby is going to be healthy.
     feeling her movements. 
     dreaming about the day we get to hold her in our arms
     imaging what our precious girl will look like. 
     not drinking loads of coffee.
     not having a glass of wine after a stressful day. Or ever. 
     drinking TONS of water.

Yes.  I am pregnant Mandy Murphy, and although there are so many things to get used to, and I only named a few, I love it.  Granted, I am only 25 weeks into this pregnancy thing, (well, that is more than half way), I would do it all over again.  

YES we were planning/trying to having a baby.  No, we didn't really tell anyone. It was stressful enough every month when we realized we weren't pregnant, we didn't really want others to weigh in with "oh, I'm so sorry."  So, after many months, when I finally got that "+", it was VERY difficult not to spread the news that very moment we found out. And we were very excited to share the joy when we felt it was the right time.

The first trimester: 
1. Nausea. All the time. 
2. Fatigue. Like, real fatigue. Not just being tired. Being exhausted. 
3. Keeping baby a secret was tough. 
4. Is there really a baby in there? Thankful I had access to an ultrasound at work, so whenever I needed reassurance, I could take a peak. 
5. Baby GIRL!!!

The second trimester:
1.  Spreading the news! 
2. Energy? I've missed you!
3. Pickles and orange juice, yum.
4. Oh I feel her...and Brendan can feel her kick against my belly too. AND we can see her movements.  And..the feeling her thing, it's all the time now. 
6. Back pain, a little. 
7. Swollen feet/ankles, starting to notice at the end of the day. 
8. Sleep? I almost forgot. I'm not getting much of that. 

Ok, so back to those questions. 

I'm feeling pretty good, overall.  Since I'm not sleeping well, I've adjusted to feeling tired.  It's much different than the fatigue from the first trimester.  It probably feels how anyone would feel, pregnant or not, if they weren't sleeping well. I have decided this is to help me get used to the rest of my life.  Not sleeping, because of baby, or child, or teen, or maybe even adult.  

Yes, we have a name. No, we aren't sharing that just yet. 

Our weeks start on Thursdays, so, I am 25 weeks and 3 days.  Don't ask me how many months, because that is confusing, and doesn't help.  Pregnancy is 40 weeks. Baby's due date is 02-16-2017. 

Nursery will be pink, gold, white, neutrals. We have a rocker and a crib (which isn't put together yet).  We have paint samples in the room, we will pick the color...soon..?

I'm going to work as long as I can! I love my job and don't want to stop working until I have to.  I'm getting time off, and it'll be hard to go back no matter what. Good thing I love what I do, and I'll love coming home to my little family as well. 

Breastfeeding? I surely hope it works out.

The rest, well, the rest doesn't have to be shared. And really, none of it does.  The birth plan is mine, and ours, and the people who need to know it, know it.  It'll change. It already has. At the end of it all, the only thing that matters is baby comes out and is healthy. So, that's all anyone else should focus on too.  

What else?....

Brendan has been amazing throughout this entire thing!  He's truly my rock in all this.  Steady. Patient. Kind. Loving. Couldn't have a better partner. Couldn't have a better man. 

I am most nervous about the delivery.  Pretty much all of it.  But, getting more and more used to the idea that my body is made for this.  And the rest of it, I know we can do it.  Will it be easy? Don't worry, I'm not fooling myself.  

Oh, and baby girl clothes..well, they are just the cutest!! THE. CUTEST. 

We love her so much and our love for her grows with each day. 

That's it for now. 

The Pregnant Mandy Murphy


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